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The Feasts of Tabernacles Revisited

Please read this collection of notes along side my las post 'Under Pressure'. My hope is that the reader will consider the prophecies in line with the prophetic voices now being echoed in this hour. My sense is that the Lord is warning us to prepare for the third wave.

this is in reference to the first part of the notes dated 2008/9 'Tsunami'.

The Sabbath Years Revisited. By Grant Marshall

The following overview is an account of notes and messages the Lord gave me during the Tabernacle meetings for the Sabbath Year 2007/8 – 2014/15.

The Beginning – ‘I will Look after You’

In 2007/8 following a ministry trip to Israel in March of that year, I received a mandate from the Lord. I was standing on Mount Carmel with our team. I had a real sense whilst standing under the Statue of Elijah to pray for the gathering of Prophets. The Lord Impressed on my heart ‘Tabernacles’. I was unsure what Father had meant but all I could do was follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I shared the impression with my friend who had encountered a Messianic Pastor, Mark Biltz in the US. He had had the same word. I contacted Mark and agreed that the time was significant and that we would proceed individually with a meeting at the time of Sukkot. Six months later the first annual meeting of The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot or the Feast of Ingathering/Harvest was held in Leeds, UK.

Our first gathering was a time of coming together to simply worship and to hear from the Lord. Three ministries were invited to speak. As we approached the event: one pulled out, and one could not attend because of sickness. The remaining speakers had a deep love of Israel and at that time were looking closely at end-time events. Their enthusiasm and Hebrew roots perspective were very much instrumental in my own growth and ministry.

Friday was an amazing time of worship, and Saturday was a time to reflect on the importance of Israel. But on Sunday everything changed. My minister friend was out under the hand of the Holy Spirit and was able to minister for only a short time. The Spirit of worship was heavy and prevailed throughout the rest of the day to the extent that some did not even stop for lunch. The worship just continued and it was clear that it was what the Lord required.

It has been a constant throughout every subsequent meeting that YHVH God has delighted in blessing us. On one occasion, Father just wanted to show His love; He wanted to minister to the women. Many of the women gathered had experienced bad relationships with their husbands, and some were now divorced. The Lord wanted to show them the Love of a husband. As the spirit led, we placed the women under a Khupper. The men gathered around the women standing in the gap, almost as an act of repentance. It was an incredibly moving time. I will never forget it.

As a result of these meetings, I have been led to try and bring a summary of the specific events together. As I began to focus on the specific messages brought at each meeting it has been clear that YHVH God has been delivering part of a message throughout.

Just let me clarify: The mandate of Tabernacles was to gather those whom the Lord had anointed prophetically. It was and remains the responsibility of those gathered, to release the message as led by the Ruach HaKodesh to the body of Messiah.

The meetings were never intended to be open to the church, and no advertising or invitation by myself was to be made. Those who would attend would be led to the meeting by the Ruach. There was to be no ministry by any ministry leader or group, only that of worship and our obedience in listening to what was revealed.

At this point I would like to give my eternal thanks to my friends Phil and Mary, who through their obedience to Father helped me in travelling to Israel with the Blackham’s Israel Tour, and of course to Martin and Nathalie for teaching me so much in those early years. I would also like to thank all those who had travelled and helped support the meetings.

Without trying to make this a lengthy overview I have tried to summarise each event as best my memory will allow. So let’s have a look at what has been revealed thus far: I would also encourage you all to look back and research further the events on which I have only touched.

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