Jeremiah 6:16
Thus says the Lord,
“Stand by the roads and look; ask for the ancient paths,
Where the good way is, then walk in it,
And you will find rest for your souls.
In April 2024, some of us gathered to camp during the Passover period. My car showed no signal about what would happen on my way home, after camp. In short, my turbo refused to function leaving me stranded on a hilly road amid fog and drizzle.
Looking back over that crazy period, which included weeks of waiting to get my car transported home and then getting it fixed, I can see a second part of the message that needs to be related today.
When I first pondered that event, I sensed that the Lord had revealed that my dependence must be upon in. What was about to happen would be completely out of my hands. It can be a frustrating time when we have to depend on others and when things aren't moving as fast as we'd like. Those waiting times are sent to encourage us to dig deep into our faith. However, waiting does not mean that we should be idle.
That event seems so long ago. But what I learned this morning was that the breakdown occurred due to my ignorance of car engines. I learned afterwards that the turbo needs oil and airflow. In practical terms, the oil and air filter need to be changed frequently. It's what makes the turbo work efficiently and thus gives the necessary power to the engine. It was also apt, and by no coincidence, that the breakdown occurred after the feast of Passover.
This reminded me of the day when the Hebrew caravan left Egypt just after Passover. The people needed to make sure that the necessary provisions for that early part of the journey would be available. God was moving them out, but they had to prepare and do their part too.
Friends, before we embark on what the Lord calls us out to do, we must show diligence and wisdom in preparation.
Oil and air are symbolic of the Holy Spirit, which helps us to keep our eyes focused on our life and direction in Christ. What I came to realise in the breakdown (also an apt term) was that my oil was low, and my air filter was clogged. When we lapse in seeing these important things that are reflected in the spirit, we can often be sluggish, lacking energy and focus on what God is calling us to do. We keep going through the motions, believing all is well, but sometimes, an all of a sudden event happens.
Before the actual exodus, the people of Egypt and the Israelites went through and witnessed great distress. God was dealing with several issues - the idolatry of a pagan nation, the idolatry of His people, and also reaffirming in them that they were, His people, He was their God and He was going to prepare them to live in covenant with Him.
Many people witnessing the decimation of the Egyptian economy, and the loss of life through the outpouring of the plagues must have thought that the end of the world had come. Imagine the distress and hopelessness some of them must have felt.
When the time came to leave Egypt for the promised land, people would have been brought to a point of decision; will they leave or will they stay? Remember that the Hebrews never left alone. With them went a mixed multitude of people, who saw the power of the God of Israel at work. This mixed multitude were the nations living under the occupation of the great Egyptian empire.
You can imagine some of the questions going through their minds: Where were they going? How long would it take? What route will they travel and even what dangers might be out there in the wilderness?
They had to lean and trust on Moses, the messenger of God and now their new leader. Ultimately they will learn to have faith in YHVH, something we still have trouble with today.
Please pray over this word.
6th January 2025 - 'The Year of Decision'.
Many of My people will find themselves looking beyond the gates of the city. I am sending you out, to a new place. Whether you go or stay, is your decision. I will not interfere with your free will. If you go, you must inspect your oil and your air. Your oil needs to be clean and topped up, your focus clear and your air filter, your connection with me clean.
The year of decision will bring about national and global events that will be out of your hands. Many people from all walks of life will have to consider unprecedented decisions for the future. There is going to be an undoing and a revealing of things at all levels that will bring to light these important decisions.
(You must lean upon the Lord and ask for wisdom, not relying on your own. Trust in the Lord and He will make your path straight).
The year of decision will see the removal of hindrances and the positioning of new things. Many areas of influence will be revealed for what they are, whether they are true or false, positive or negative. It is going to be a time of reflection and re-evaluation of many things. If you choose to take up the challenge, I will position you for success and favour, but it must be done wholeheartedly. What will be attained will bear lasting fruit but it will come at great cost. A time of freedom is coming, greater movement, greater influence.
People will be asked to leave and give up many things. It will be a time of undoing just like the cloth that bound around Lazarus was undone, so a new time of resurrection power will come forth.
New energy, vitality and a reminder and refreshing of vision will ensue and many will be joined by others to fulfil the tasks that must be done. Total reliance must be upon the Lord, but the people must act with wisdom and in obedience.
Friends, we must keep our oil burning and remove sleep from our eyes. Change is coming in the wind but we must not be ignorant of the following storm.
We are standing at an appointed time. The crossroads are before us, the valley of the decision lies just over the brow.
The book of Joel reads,
..9. Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”
11 Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there.
Bring down your warriors, Lord!
12 “Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, (Decision) for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side...
God is going to judge the nations, and it is now. He will pour out, upon their heads, a great judgement for how they have treated His people.
13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the winepress is full and the vats overflow— so great is their wickedness!”
14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.
The decision for the nations to bow to our King is coming but a greater and more powerful submission is given to His people. In other words, God has decided to act. It is an appointed time. The decisions that will come upon the world, will come upon His people. The Lord is preparing the way, for those who will step upon the path He has for them. Great weights that people have been carrying for years will be lifted. Deep breaths of the breath of the spirit will restore sight and hope as it flows to every part of the body.
Friends, it is a time to draw closer to the Father and breathe deeply of things of God, for they are life. Soon, the winter will pass, and new things are about to spring forth. The earth is preparing for a new birth. Do not look to the past or carry old baggage with you. Drop what needs to be left and look with new eyes into the future. That is what we are called to be: a people who look to the future and hold it now. It was what our ancestors did, and they walked in power. It's what makes us a people of faith, a people of hope.
Consider this: The message of the gospel will reach every corner of the earth, and every tribe and tongue will hear it. How can we preach this good news if we lack the zeal for it? If we lack zeal, then we must decide to ask for it.
The kingdom of God is under attack, God's people must regroup and strengthen themselves. The injured and the hurt must refuse to be confined to the infirmary bed.
Come to the Lord with zeal, and if you declare that you want the challenge, pray that He will guide your hands and feet. Do not resist Him but fight as Jacob did for the blessings, and accept what changes He has for you.
We are living in Godless times. Turbulence rattles the doors, the enemy is within the walls. Save as many as you can. The message of hope must be heard in the marketplaces once again. Go into the highways and the byways and fill the house of God. He has chosen us to walk the highway of holiness. If you have decided to follow Jesus, check whose yoke is around your neck.
Jeremiah 5 & 6 are sobering passages. I encourage you to read them.
I pray we will all choose wisely and come through this season of decision. Perhaps the Lord will cause us to meet along the way.